The Zigzag Kid by Vincent Bal nominated for the EFA Young Audience Award 2013

By admin / April, 2, 2013 / 0 comments

On Young Audience Film Day on 5 May, the Zigzag Kid, one of three nominated films will be screened to a audience (12 – 14 year-olds) in Copenhagen (Denmark), Erfurt (Germany), Izola (Slovenia), London (UK), Sofia (Bulgaria), Turin (Italy), Valletta (Malta) and Wroclaw (Poland). And it is the young audience that will act as a jury and vote for the winner right after the screenings. In a truly European vote, jury speakers will then transmit the national results live via Skype video conference to Erfurt (Germany) where the winner will be in an award ceremony streamed live on, a special website that offers further information about the nominated films and the eight participating cities

.Het Zig zag kindSchermafbeelding 2013-04-16 om 23.26.44Schermafbeelding 2013-04-16 om 23.33.35

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